alcohol addiction

What is Alcohol Addiction?

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it can and it will be treated

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), An estimated 16 million people suffer from alcohol addiction in the United States.

This type of addiction is a legal substance linked to countless social situations.

Often consumed in groups when everyone may be some level of intoxicated. So it’s particularly challenging to recognize when a person has a real problem.

Health Issues Associated with Alcohol Addiction

According to the CDC, 6 people die every day from alcohol poisoning on average.

This type of addiction stems from binge drinking, which the NIAAA defines as drinking more than 4 drinks (women) or 5 drinks (men) in 2 hours.

  • Liver disease
  • Heart disease
  • Birth defects
  • Bone loss
  • Diabetes complications
  • Increased cancer risk
  • Reduced immune function
  • Sexual problems
  • Ulcer
  • Vision problems

Alcohol addiction is easier to treat in the early stages to discuss the treatment options available to you.

Contact Inner Peace Reserve Recovery Center to learn more about early intervention and treatment.

How Inner Peace Reserve Can Treat Alcohol Addiction?

If you are concerned with your alcohol addiction or if you believe a loved one may have a problem, contact us today to learn about your options.

Your call is confidential and we can help identify an alcohol addiction and advise on the next steps.

Call 1-660-334-0507 to get the help you deserve.

Signs of alcohol addiction

Alcoholism can change the chemistry of a person’s brain. 

The signs or symptoms of alcohol addiction are challenging to recognize for a variety of reasons:

  • How often does someone drinks
  • How long they have been abusing alcohol
  • The type and quantity of alcohol being consumed 

These can all factor into how a person’s alcoholism is revealed. 

Lacking certain signs of addiction does not necessarily mean the person is not an alcoholic. 

The signs of alcohol addiction vary broadly from person to person. 

am I an alcoholic?

2-3 YES = Mild alcohol addiction

4-5 YES = Moderate alcohol addiction

More than 6 YES = Severe alcohol addiction

alcohol addiction

Health Issues associated with alcohol addiction

According to the CDC, 6 people die every day from alcohol poisoning on average.

Alcohol poisoning stems from binge drinking, which the NIAAA defines as drinking more than 4 drinks (women) or 5 drinks (men) in 2 hours.

Those suffering from alcohol addiction may experience the following health issues:

Alcohol addiction is easier to treat in the early stages to discuss the treatment options available to you.

Contact Inner Peace Reserve Recovery Center to learn more about early intervention and treatment.

Alcohol addiction Treatment options

The unfortunate truth is that alcohol addiction can result from psychological, physical, genetic, behavioral, and cultural factors, and no one cause can be singled out. 

Whether you’re ready to start treatment or in the beginning stages of identifying alcohol addiction, we can help you. 

Contact Inner Peace Reserve Recovery Center to discuss the treatment options available to you. 

Your call is confidential and we are prepared to help you in any way possible.