the foundation
Imagine the life-changing possibilities to be discovered when your youth group is immersed in 600 acres of the beautiful Missouri countryside. Available through the Morrell Foundation, an organization that has been delivering hope and assistance to people around the world since 2003, the Morrell Ranch is hosting youth and young adult groups from across the United States.
The Morrell Foundation is committed to providing the perfect setting for your group or youth conference. The Morrell Ranch has conference rooms and overnight accommodations for groups of practically any size (Call our event planning specialists to confirm accommodation availability). The growth and learning opportunities available are only limited by your imagination, from horseback riding to feeding the animals, to spreading out and sharing stories around a fire pit. Take advantage of this incredible place of discovery with your youth group today.

The Morrell Ranch has hosted more than a dozen different faith-based youth conferences. Attendees have experienced a weekend of fun and fellowship to a week or more of faith-building, self-discovery, and fun making new friendships and participating in learning activities designed to strengthen their understanding while surrounded by people who share their beliefs.